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Lide M.Rodriguez-Martinez

作者:  發布:2017-04-12 00:00:00  點擊量:

 CIC Energigune Lide M.Rodriguez-Martinez教授做客第247期化苑講壇

報告題目:Energy Storage Activities at CIC Energigune

   Lide M.Rodriguez-Martinez教授





Lide M.Rodriguez-Martinez obtained her PhD degree in Solid State Chemistry at Cambridge University in 1999. She is a group leader of lithium based batteries and Li-S research line manager at Centro de Investigación Cooperativa(CIC) Energigune since January 2015. She has conducted significant research in the field of solid oxide fuel cells and batteries. She worked 14 years in energy conversion and energy storage technology development at IK4- Ikerlan. Her main interests are the development of cutting-edge energy related concepts, such as solid Li−S and technology assessment toward competitive targets (performance, life, and cost).


CIC Energigune is a recently created cooperative energy storage research centre located in the Basque Country (Spain). CIC is an acronym for “Centro de Investigación Cooperativa” (Cooperative Research Centre). A CIC is an organisation specialising in research in a particular scientific or technological area considered to be of strategic importance for a regions economic and social development. In this case, CIC Energigune focuses in materials and novel devices for electrochemical energy storage including batteries and supercaps and thermal energy storage. The mission of CIC Energigune is to play a leading role in the international scientific scene, focusing on materials research oriented towards storage applications, contributing to the industrial competitiveness of Basque companies.  This  is  achieved  by  combining interdisciplinary teams working towards a) excellent and high impact research in materials and electrochemical devices for storage applications; b) becoming a reference centre for collaborative technology transfer to industry and c) high level training of young researchers and creation of new business sectors. The centre has the backing of public institutions and administrations, and of companies directly related to the energy sector. newly created institute together with the highlights of our main research achievements in the electrochemical energy storage field will be presented.


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