科羅拉多州立大學Ivan I. Smalyukh教授
報告題目:Ordered Colloidal Dispersions of Nanoparticles as Reconfigurable Composite Materials
報 告 人 :Ivan I. Smalyukh教授
Ivan I. Smalyukh教授在液晶材料和納米粒子組裝方面開展了卓有成效的工作,2009 獲得NSF CAREER Award,發表SCI論文144篇,其中Nature 2篇、Science 2篇、Nature子刊5篇、Phys. Rev. Lett. 13篇、Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 9篇、Adv. Mater. 3篇。
A promising approach of designing mesostructured materials with novel physical behavior is based on combining unique optical and electronic properties of solid nanoparticles with long-range ordering and facile switching of soft matter. This lecture will describe how we practically realize molecular-colloidal organic-inorganic composites formed via multi-scale self-assembly in dispersions of anisotropic inorganic nanoparticles in liquid crystals [1,2]. These composites are pre-engineered to exhibit novel plasmonic, luminescence, photon-up-converting, and other unusual optical properties controlled by low-voltage fields and light itself. The lecture will conclude with a discussion of a new breed of potential applications of liquid crystal colloids.
[1] H. Mundoor, B. Senyuk, and I. I. Smalyukh. Triclinic nematic colloidal crystals from competing elastic and electrostatic interactions. Science 352, 69-73 (2016).
[2] L. Jiang, H. Mundoor, Q. Liu, and I. I. Smalyukh. Electric switching of fluorescence decay in gold-silica-dye nematic nanocolloids mediated by surface plasmons. ACS Nano 10, 7064-7072 (2016)