報 告 人 :趙帥飛研究員
趙帥飛,男,西北農林科技大學環境科學專業本科,南澳大學化學/環境工程專業博士,現在澳大利亞麥考瑞大學任獨立研究員。自2009年博士開始一直從事膜分離方面的研究工作。近五年以第一作者或通訊作者在Journal of Membrane Science, Environmental Science and Technology等國際期刊共發表學術論文19篇,其中Journal of Membrane Science 9篇,Environmental Science and Technology 2篇?,F已受邀為包括Science在內的15個國際知名期刊審稿40余篇??傉撐臄?/span>22篇,總引用量1052次 (檢索基于Google Scholar),篇均引用量47次。
With the exponentially growing population and the depletion of fossil fuels, water and energy have been becoming two of the most important resources on the earth. Forward osmosis (FO) has attracted growing interest in both water production and energy generation over the past several years. This talk will discuss various factors that have significant impacts on FO process performance in desalination and water treatment. These factors mainly include working temperatures, solution physiochemical properties and membrane orientations. Basically these factors determine FO process performance in terms of internal concentration polarization (ICP), osmotic water flux, feed water recovery, salt rejection, and membrane fouling and cleaning. Understanding the effects of these factors on the process performance is of great importance in the process optimization in order to achieve favorable performance.