日本大阪大學(xué)Shinobu Itoh教授做客第277期化苑講壇
報告題目:Dioxygen Activation by Copper Monooxygenases and Their Models
報 告 人 :Shinobu Iton教授
邀 請 人 :尹國川教授
Prof. Itoh graduated from Osaka Univerity in 1981, and received his PhD from the same university in 1986. After working as a postdoc in University of California (Prof. Teddy G. Traylor) for one year, he went back to Osaka University, and became a full professor in 2008. His research interests include Coenzyme Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry of Copper Proteins, Development of Artificial Metalloenzymes, Dioxygen Activation by Transition Metal Complexes and related Catalytic Oxidation Mechanism, etc. Up to now, he has published a series of papers including ACR(2), JACS(39), Angew (5), etc., and received many awards including The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work (2015). He also serves(d) as members of editorial board for several scientific journals including Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn, Associate Editor (2002–2004), J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., Editorial Advisory Board (2003–2017), Dalton Trans., Associate Editor (2007–) and Inorg. Chem., Advisory Board, (2008–2010).
In this presentation, he will introduce his works on Dioxygen-activation mechanisms involving copper enzymes. Using their copper active-oxygen models, they explored detailed oxygenation mechanisms of aliphatic and aromatic compounds, they also determined high-resolution crystal structures of wild-type and several mutants of tyrosinase, and explored detailed mechanisms of maturation processes.