科羅拉多大學博爾德分校Ivan I. Smalyukh教授做客第305期化苑講壇
報告題目:Liquid Crystal Aerogels for Smart Window Applications
報 告 人 :Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh
邀 請 人 :解孝林教授、彭海炎副教授
Ivan I. Smalyukh is Professor of Physics at University of Colorado Boulder and Fellow of American Physical Society. He is also Senior Investigator of the NSF Soft Materials Research Center and Founding Fellow of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute.
His scientific interests encompass different branches of soft condensed matter and optical physics, including novel laser trapping and imaging techniques, molecular and colloidal self-assembly, fundamental properties of liquid crystals, polymers, nano-structured and other functional materials, as well as their photonic and electro-optic applications. He has published more than 170 high quality scientific papers in Science, Nature, Nature Materials, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, PNAS, etc., and received citations of up to 5500. His H-index is 41.