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日本大阪大學的Hideki Sugimoto教授做客第313期化苑講壇

作者:  發布:2017-12-04 18:17:30  點擊量:


報告題目:Oxidative Transformation of Alkenes Catalyzed by Bioinspired Osmium Complexes

Hideki Sugimoto教授





Prof. Sugimoto received his PhD from Hokkaido University with Prof. Yoichi Sasaki in 1997. After that, he joined Osaka City University as an assistant professor; in 2009, he moved to Osaka University as an associate professor. His current research focuses on modeling of non-heme enzyme active sites, including model synthesis, reaction mechanism, catalytic reaction, metal-chalcogen multiple bond. Up to now, he has published more than 170 papers including JACS (12) and CSR (1).

Metalloenzyme active sites often tell us how to design molecules that work as efficient and atom economical catalysts. Rieske dioxygenase is an iron containing enzyme that catalyzes cis-1,2- dihydroxylation of arenes with O2 or H2O2.  A mononuclear oxido-hydroxido-iron(V), (FeV(O)(OH)), center has been proposed as an active oxidant for the reaction.  However, the active oxidant structure of the enzyme has not been modeled yet. In this presentation, he will present his recent studies on osmium substituted model complex of Rieske dioxygenase coordinated with a tetradentate ligand, TPA, and its catalytic activity in cis-dihydroxylation of alkenes with H2O2 and chramine-T oxidant.

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