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韓國高麗大學Dong June Ahn教授做客第327期化苑講壇

作者:  發布:2018-02-26 17:33:21  點擊量:

報告題目:Bioconjugate p-Molecules and Macromolecules

Prof. Dong June Ahn





Dong June Ahn, 韓國高麗大學(Korea University)教授,于1993年在美國普渡大學獲得博士學位,先后在普渡大學以及勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室從事研究工作,1995年起任職高麗大學化學與生物工程系教授。研究方向主要包括:Nanoengineering and Supramolecular Materials, Interfacial Engineering, Chemical and Biological Sensors, Metal Ion Recovery and Exchange, Biomaterials, Nanolithography等。


   Molecules and macromolecules having ??-moieties have been extensively investigated since they express attractive optical and electrical functions that offer rosy pictures in applications of modern electronics and energy-related devices. Nature, in the meantime, works with abundant biomolecules such as DNAs, RNAs, proteins, etc. making themselves distinct from other materials in a sense that they can recognize through specific bindings to target species. Therefore, as we attempt successful conjugation of such biomolecules with functional ?-molecules and/or macromolecules, new fields of applications face us especially in technology convergent realms related to medicine and biology. There have been various research outcomes by eminent scientists and engineers contributing to this goal. In the present talk, we will introduce our efforts to advancing technologies to this end. Subjects we cover may include polydiacetylene and polythiophene-based sensor & diagnosis technology [1], 2D lipid bilayers functionalized with??-molecules and macromolecules [2], bio-recognitive OLED particles [3], and their computational chemistry models [4].

[1] Ahn et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2003, 2005), Adv. Mater. (2003), Acc. Chem. Res. (2008), Small (2016) etc. and unpublished results.

[2] Ahn et al., Nat. Chemistry (2018), under review.

[3] Ahn et al., Nat. Communications (2016), and unpublished results.

[4] Ahn et al., Macromolecules (2017), and manuscripts to be submitted.

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