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加拿大渥太華大學André M. Beauchemin教授做客第340期化苑講壇

作者:  發布:2018-05-09 18:16:17  點擊量:

報告題目:Heterocyclic Synthesis and Catalysis Taking Advantage of Masked Isocyanates

André M. Beauchemin





André Beauchemin is Professor & Director of Graduate Studies at Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Ottawa. He obtained his BSc chemistry from the Université Laval, graduating in 1996 (working with Prof. J. Boukouvalas). He then studied at the Université de Montréal under the guidance of Prof. André B. Charette, obtaining his Ph. D. in 2001. In August 2004, André started as an assistant professor at the University of Ottawa and was promoted to associate professor in 2010 and full professor in 2015. Over the years André received a CSC Enantioselective Synthetic Research Program Grant (2005), an University of Ottawa Excellence in Education Award (2008), a Early Researcher Award (Ontario, 2009), a New Directions Grant from the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society (2010), an AstraZeneca Award in Chemistry (2011), a Discovery Accelerator Supplement by NSERC (2011), a University of Ottawa Research Chair (2012-2016) and the Boehringer Ingelheim Research Excellence award (2015).


Our program uses inexpensive reagents and catalysts, leading to emerging applications in the synthesis of bulk chemicals. Building on momentum gained in the synthesis of nitrogen-containing molecules , our work now also features the use of aldehydes as catalysts operating via temporary intramolecularity and the development of a new family of isocyanates for applications in medicinal chemistry and in the isocyanate industry.

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