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韓國科學院院士、ACS Nano副主編Young Hee Lee教授做客第398期化苑講壇

作者:  發布:2019-03-12 17:41:00  點擊量:

報告題目van der Waals Materials and Heterostructures: Synthesis and Applications

人:Prof. Young Hee Lee





Prof. Lee has been a full professor of the Physics Department at SKKU, since 2001. He received Ph. D. from Kent State University in Ohio (1986) in physics. Prior to joining SKKU in 2001, Prof. Lee was a full professor in the Physics Department at Chonbuk National University since 1986. He was a visiting scholar at Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University in 1989, IBM, Zurich in 1993, and Michigan State University in 1996. Currently, he is the Director of Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics, Institute for Basic Science at SKKU. He was awarded the first SKKU fellow in 2004 at SKKU, Science award from Korean Physical Society in 2005, Lee Hsun Research Award, IMR, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2007, Presidential Award in Science and Education in 2008 and Einstein Award IMR, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2017. He was also nominated as a National Scholar by Ministry of Education in 2006 and has been a fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology since 2007. He recently got Sudang prize.He serves for an Associate Editor of ACS Nano.Prof. Lee’s work has focused on understanding the fundamental properties of nanostructures in 0D, 1D, 2D and their hybrid heterostructures, design and synthesis of various heterostructures to implement unique physical and chemical properties. His research covers carrier dynamics, carrier multiplication phenomena, hot carrier solar cell, thermoelectrics, quantum mechanical tunneling phenomena, and nanocarbon-based soft electronics.


   Recent development of van der Waals layered materials such as graphene, hexagonal BN, and transition metal dichalcogenides have drawn much attention due to their fascinating uniquely defined physical and chemical properties. What is missing is the synthesis of singlecrystallinity and wafer-scale scalability in van der Waals layered materials including graphene and more importantly, heterostructures. In this talk, we will introduce several examples ofsynthesizing the graphene in monolayer and multilayers and furthermore heterostructures of other van der Waals layered materials and furthermore some examples of physics phenomena, and electronic/optoelectronic devices of heterostructures.

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