報告題目:Novel Membranes for Responsive Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography from Experiments and Simulations
報 告 人:Qian Xianghong教授
邀 請 人:王艷教授
Xianghong Qian,阿肯色大學生物醫學工程系教授,擁有80多篇同行評議的期刊出版物,獲得中國南京大學化學學士學位和美國喬治華盛頓大學理論化學博士學位,隨后在德國馬普微觀結構物理研究所從事凝聚態理論的博士后研究,曾獲得2009年NSF職業獎。目前,Xianghong Qian教授的研究興趣集中在使用互補的實驗和理論工具研究膜的分離,生物質催化轉化為生物燃料,智能聚合物和蛋白質純化的基本過程。
Current resin based hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is a purification operation used in the production of biopharmaceuticals based on differences in hydrophobicity among products and impurities. The current technology can suffer from protein denaturation, low product yields, the possibility of high pressure and lengthy processing time. Membrane based responsive HIC has been investigated previously for protein purification in a bind-and-elute mode to overcome these limitations. The surface of these responsive HIC is grafted with polymeric ligands with tunable hydrophobicity. Poly (N-vinylcaprolactam) (PVCL) is a prototype thermo- and salt- responsive polymer that can switch its conformation between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic states in response to environmental stimuli. However, the binding capacity and recovery of these responsive HIC remain the major bottleneck for the industrial applications. In order to further improve the protein binding capacity and recovery, complementary experimental and computational studies were performed to elucidate the lower critical solution temperature transition (LCST) of PVCL and the effects of substrates with different surface to volume ratios for immobilizing the HIC ligands. Significant improvement in binding capacity and recovery has been achieved.