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美國俄亥俄州立大學Carlos Castro副教授做客第421期化苑講壇

作者:  發布:2019-06-03 15:22:18  點擊量:

報告題目Design, control, and applications of DNA nanomechanical devices

人:Prof. Carlos Castro





Carlos     Castro,俄亥俄州立大學機械航天工程系副教授。2009年在美國麻省理工學院機械工程系獲博士學位,2011年在洪堡基金資助下于慕尼黑工業大學完成博士后研究。  

主要從事DNA納米機器人、DNA納米機械裝置的制造及在生物醫學工程中的應用等研究,在Advanced MaterialsACS Nano等國際期刊發表文章30余篇。


Structural DNA nanotechnology is a rapidly emerging field with exciting potential for applications such as single molecule sensing, drug delivery, and manipulating molecular components. However, realizing the functional potential of DNA nanomachines, and ultimately nanorobots, requires the ability to design dynamic mechanical behavior such as complex motion, conformational dynamics, or force generation. Our lab has developed approaches to design and construct DNA nanostructures with programmable 1D, 2D, and 3D motion as well as dynamic nanostructures with programmed or externally controlled conformational  dynamics.  We  have also recently developed methods to manipulate dynamic DNA nanodevices  via  external  magnetic fields. This approach relies on coupling the motion of micron-scale magnetic beads to nanoscale DNA machines via a long mechanical lever arm made from an array of highly stiff DNA origami structures. We demonstrated the ability to drive continuous or oscillating rotational motions of nanoscale devices up to several Hz. Moving forward, we aim to develop devices  where nanoscale dynamic behavior (i.e. motion, conformational distributions, and kinetics) can  be exploited to probe physical properties or manipulate nanoscale components or molecular interactions in real time. I will also highlight two ongoing projects in our lab implementing DNA nanodevices to probe the structure and dynamics of nucleosomes and to engineer cell surface functions such as intercellular adhesion and biomolecule sensing.

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